MAURICE THE TOM CAT celebrates its big German premiere in Hamburg!
MAURICE THE TOM-CAT just thrilled fans at the Sundance Film Festival, and now the fabulous story of the clever cat Maurice and his gang of friendly rats celebrated its German premiere at the Cinemaxx Dammtor in Hamburg . The animated adventure by director Toby Genkel created an exuberant atmosphere among the approximately 900 guests yesterday, Sunday afternoon, and proved to be wonderful entertainment for the whole family with lots of humor, insight and imagination.Moderator Dominik Porschen led the afternoon, eliciting exciting anecdotes from the artists present about the story behind the film's creation: Bastian Pastewka as the cat Maurice,Janin Ullmann as the rat “Nahhaft” and Jerry Hoffmann as the young flute player Keith received great applause, as did director Toby Genkel, co-director Florian Westermann and producer Emely Christians (Ulysses Films) . Young and old cinemagoers across Germany can already look forward to the nationwide cinema release on February 9th!Photo from left: Toby Genkel, Murali Perumal, Julia Müntefering, Julia Weber, Emely Christians, Helge Albers, Janin Ullmann, Jerry Hoffmann, Bastian Pastewka, Florian Westermann, Matthias Remmele